Where does wheat come from?
Nowadays, wheat is grown everywhere in the world, although it was originally grown in Mesopotamia, around 8000 BCE.
Durum wheat is grown in Mediterranean regions with a temperate climate. It is used to make semolina, pasta and bulgur. Common wheat is grown where summers are cool or temperate, like in France and Canada. It is used to make bread.
Where does rice come from?
Rice is grown in many places far from its area of origin.
Asian rice first came from the Far East and West African rice from West Africa. The first rice crops date back to around 5000 BCE in China. Cultivation then spread to other Asian countries, then to the Middle East and Europe.
Where does corn come from?
The Mayas first grew corn in 7000 BCE in southern Mexico. The word ‘maya’ means corn (maize). The Mayas used corn to prepare many different savoury and sweet dishes, as well as drinks.
Where do processed products come from?
Many countries disagree over who first produced pasta. Noodles were available in China long before Marco Polo arrived there in the 13th century. Pasta was already made in the traditional way in Sicily in the 12th century. The first industrial pasta was manufactured in Naples in the 15th century.