October to March:
10:00 - 17:00
April to September:
10:00 - 18:00
Adults: CHF 15.00
Reduced rate: CHF 12.00
Children 6-15: CHF 6.00
Children 0-5: Free
Quai Perdonnet 25
CH-1800 Vevey
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Who has never wondered what it would be like to travel through the digestive tract and discover the secrets of how it works? See it now from an apple’s point of view! On a journey lasting more than a day, the digestive organs will hustle and bustle you, to transform you into nutrients to support all the body’s functions. At the end of the trip, the body expels everything it has not used. Burps and farts may make you laugh along the way but, not to worry, everything is as it should be!
Bile, pancreatic juice, lipase... Find out all about the stages of digestion!
Discover how our knowledge of digestion evolved!
Everything you always wanted to know about diarrhoea, rumbling stomachs, farts and burps!