Eid al-Fitr, the Minor Festival
Eid al-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan. On this specific day, it is forbidden to fast. It is also known as the ‘sweet festival’ as desserts become the focal point once morning prayers are over. This festival of forgiveness and peace can last up to three days. Tradition dictates that, to mark the occasion, practising Muslims pay the zakat, a charitable donation to the poor, equivalent to four times the amount of food held in two cupped hands.
MASSON, Denise, 1967. Coran Paris : Gallimard.
ASSOULY, Olivier, 2002. Les nourritures divines. Essai sur les interdits alimentaires. Paris : Actes Sud.
RAMADAN, Tarik, 1999. Le jeûne du mois de Ramadan. Autres temps. Cahiers d’éthique sociale et politique. 1999. N° 62, pp. 19-20.