Oktober bis März:
10:00 - 17:00
April bis September:
10:00 - 18:00
Erwachsene: 15.– CHF
Ermässigt: 12.– CHF
Kinder 6-15: 6.– CHF
Kinder 0-5: Kostenlos
Quai Perdonnet 25
CH-1800 Vevey
Why do we need food? How can we get all we need to run, play and feel good?
Learn about the job each bit of your body does – the teeth, skeleton, muscles and digestive system. Find out about food groups and why keeping a healthy diet gives you energy to run and play. Explore the relationship between nutrition and exercise and learn how to look after your body while maintaining a positive body image and enjoying food with all your senses!
This theme “Eating, moving and growing” has been produced by Discovery Education in partnership with the Alimentarium.
Erfahren Sie alles über die Rolle jedes Teils unseres Körpers.
Was sind die Verbindungen zwischen Essen, Bewegung und Gesundheit?