The human body is an aqueous environment. Water is an essential component of cells and represents about 60% of body weight. We need to absorb two to three litres of water every day to hydrate the body. Of those 2 to 3 litres, only 1 or 2 litres should be consumed as drinks. The rest is provided by food, which almost always contains water.
Keywords > The water content of a tomato: 90 – 95%
For example, tomatoes are particularly rich in water. Between 90 and95%! Water also transports nutrients throughout the body, to our cells where they are used.
The fruit and vegetable group plays a role in body function and protection, especially thanks to vitamins, which protect us against illness and allow the body to use the nutrients it receives.
The meat group helps build the body. It primarily contains proteins which are needed to build muscles and skin. The ‘dairy products group' contain minerals such as calcium. These minerals are vital for building bones and teeth.
The meat and dairy products groups both help 'build' the body. This is why they are sometimes called construction groups or groups with a structural role.
There are three groups left: cereals, fats and sweets. These groups primarily perform an energy-giving role. The body constantly requires energy, even when asleep. It needs energy to keep the heart beating and blood circulating and to breathe, walk, run and carry out a wide range of other activities! Carbohydrates provide immediate energy, while fats are considered as 'reserve' energy the body can store. This reserve energy allows us to keep going during long-term energy expenditure.